Thomas Edward Levy, M.D., J.D.
- Notre Dame High School, 1964-68, Biloxi, MS—Valedictorian
- Mississippi State University, Summer, 1967—Special Program For Academically Talented Students (SPATS)
- Johns Hopkins University, 1968-72—B.A., Biology
- Tulane University School of Medicine, 1972-76—M.D.
- University of Denver College of Law, 1995-98—J.D.
- Post-Graduate Training:
- Internship and Internal Medicine Residency, 1976-79, Tulane University Affiliated Hospitals
- Fellowship in Cardiology, 1979-81, Tulane University Affiliated Hospitals
- Federal Licensing Examination (FLEX), 1976
- American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine Board Certification, 1979
- Cardiovascular Diseases Subspecialty Board Certification, 1981
- Admitted to Colorado Bar, 1998
- Admitted to District of Columbia Bar, 1999
- Supervisor, Major Medical Emergency, Charity Hospital of New Orleans, 1980-83
- Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tulane Medical School, 1981-83
- Clinical Investigator, DDD Pacemaker, entitled "Clinical Study for Telectronics Model 2251, Dual Chamber Pulse Generator"
- Member, Formulary Review—Cardiovascular Section, Charity Hospital of New Orleans, 1981-83
- Instructor in Radiology, Tulane Medical School, 1983-4
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tulane Medical School, 1983-1986
- Staff, Iberia General Hospital, New Iberia, Louisiana, 1984-91
- Staff, Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1991-present
- Staff, Denver General Hospital, Denver, Colorado, 1995-6
- Medical Technical Advisor, International Tesla Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1994-8
- Graybar, G., Goethe, J., Levy, T., Phillips, J., Youngberg, J., and Smith, D., "Transient Large Upright T-Wave During Multiple Monitored Electroconvulsive Therapy," Anesthesiology, 59(5):467-469 (1983).
- Levy, T., Trauma Rounds "Problem: Cardiac Contusion," Annals of Emergency Medicine, July 15, 1983.
- Levy, T. and Huggins, H., "Routine Dental Extractions Routinely Produce Cavitations," Journal of Advancement in Medicine, 9(4):235-249 (1996)
- Huggins, H. and Levy, T., "Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Changes in Multiple Sclerosis After Dental Amalgam Removal," Alternative Medicine Review, 3(4):295-300 (1998)
- Huggins, H. and Levy, T., Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care, Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.; 1999
- Levy, T., Optimal Nutrition for Optimal Health: The Real Truth About Eating Right for Weight Loss, Detoxification, Low Cholesterol, Better Digestion, and Overall Well-Being, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill (Keats Publishing); 2001
- Kulacz, R. and Levy, T., The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and Medicine, Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation; 2002
- Levy, T., Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins, Henderson, NV: Medfox Publishing; 2002
- Levy, T., Stop America's #1 Killer! Reversible Vitamin Deficiency Found to be Original of ALL Coronary Heart Disease, Henderson, NV: Medfox Publishing; 2006
- Levy, T., GSH: Master Defender Against Disease, Toxins, and Aging, Henderson, NV: Medfox Publishing; 2008
- Levy, T., Living in Your Right Mind, Henderson, NV: Medfox Publishing; 2010
- Levy, T., Primal Panacea, Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing; 2011
- Levy, T., Death by Calcium, Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing; 2013
- Kulacz, R. and Levy, T., The Toxic Tooth, Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing; 2014
- Levy, T., Hidden Epidemic, Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing; 2017
- Levy, T., Magnesium: Reversing Disease, Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing; 2019
- Levy, T., Rapid Virus Recovery: No need to live in fear!, Henderson, NV: MedFox Publishing; 2021
Dr. Levy strongly urges all readers to seek the help of a qualified health care practitioner who will discuss the reader's health directly and fully answer all questions in a straightforward and scientific fashion. Dr. Levy does not intend for the reader to self-medicate or self-treat, and he does not encourage such a choice.